Engineering & R&D Products

Engineering your Challenges

Sometimes before they appear

Commercially Available Products

This is a selection of some of our comercially available products for engineering and testing


25W Miniature P.O.L

Wide Input Voltage (4-65Vin), 25W, up to 4A, Configurable Output and Operational Settings Point of Load for Battery Applications in harsh environments.

REF: PC202008-01

This Point.Of.Load module provides a high power density in a miniature package delivered at the load with minimal external components. Configurable output (from 3.4V up to 24V) with additional configuration settings for spread-spectrum or pulse skipping to reduce noise or light load quiescient current, this P.O.L offers extend opportunties to drive different loads and replace bulky DC/DC converters or linear regulators with continuous output current up to 4A. SMD and THT modules are available for ease of integration or repacement, as well as 2 heat-sink connections to provide alternative thermal management options in constrained spaces and designs or specific applications (space, aerospace, vacuum).

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6 Outputs 330W Power Supply

Flight Proven, wide Input Voltage (4-65Vin), 6 Independent Outputs, up to 330W, up to 8A per output, Power Supply with Power logging and environmental conditions monitoring

REF: PC102004-05

This UAV Flight-Heritage DC-DC Converters Power Supply for on-board Payloads with main application in Aerospace and Unmanned Vehicle Markets (aerial, marine, terrestrial, underwater...). It provides 6 independent Outputs from 3.3V up to 24V, and up to 8A per output from a wide input voltage (4-65Vin). Some outputs can be linked together or chained or sequenced to power up loads at different timings (analog). Non flight-critical outputs could be configured with current limit settings. In addition, power monitoring and logging, for the input and each output, up to 25 Hz is available; as well as environmental conditions for payloads' section monitoring or flight controller cross-checking. These monitored parameters include onboard temperature (x3), external/remote temperature (1x), humidity, ambient pressure and altitude, shock & vibration. Vibration spectrum is also provided for ease of processing and high compression rate of raw data targetting preventive maintenance and condition based monitoring.

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Battery Module Emulator Unit

REF: PC202004-04

Up to 10 independent Cells, 0.1V-5.5V battery emulation module unit, stackable until 1500VDC battery packs, with cell voltage and current monitoring, and 4x cell temperature emulators and 1x pack current emulator

Each Battery Module Emulator Unit provides 8 indepedent cells emulation from 0.1V to 5.5V and up to 10 cells with voltage range up to 4.5V. BMEU can be stacked up to total 1500VDC, while communication and setting is daisy chained and only requires one COM port. Each BMEU allows 4x Temperature Sensors emulation as well as 1x Current Sensor Emulation. For BMS testing and cross-checking, each cell voltage is measured and reported. No current can be sinked or sourced above 30mA from a cell or cell combination on each BMEU. This BMEU is only intended for BMS current and tempeature testing by emulation and with real voltage. For Drawing currents above 30mA, TPC provides Battery Power Emulation Units, with 0.1V-5.5V, 5W with parallel function capabilities (cf. PC202004-13 & PC202004-23).

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Harness Tester Core

REF: PC202003-08

Up to 32 pin per side Pocket Harness Tester with Wireless communication and Battery operations for field use and increase QC at production

Connect this 32pin to 32pin Smart Harness Tester to your custom made PCBA adapter (PCB + connectors) made in seconds with our automated tool and you are ready to test long and complicated harnesses. This simpler Harness tester allows continuity testing from a 32pin input to a 32pin output connector, cross talk, leakage and resistance testing in advanced mode. With advanced PCBA adapter made to specifications, short-circuit testing and cross-talk will be performed on each connector and on specific combination of signals. Adapted for field trips for troubleshooting or inspection, additional quality control on production site and at suppliers, you can ramp up your QC to cover every item at a fraction of the development and acquisition cost of bench harness tester. All you need is a phone to connect on bluetooth or a computer for bluetooth or USB connection and you can run 1000's of test on each battery charge. You can also connect in WiFi for troubleshooting mode and harness mapping mode to indentify faults. Use the WiFi to add new harnesses and acceptance criteria on the fly.

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Coming Soon - Products under development


Mini Cavitation Reactor

Mini Cavitation Reactor for Engineering and Revolutionizing Water Processing in constrained environments and with low power.

REF: PC202010-33

Mini Cavitation Reactor for Engineering and Revolutionizing Water Processing in constrained environments and with low power.

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HVDC Power Supply (15kV/25W) for Harsh Environments

High Voltage DC Power Supply with up to 15kV and 25W output power with Wide Input Voltage (4-40Vin) and configurable output

REF: PC209001-05

Designed for Harsh Environment applications (including Space, Downhole Drilling, Aerospace), this HVDC PSU provides optimal performances for a range of different uses and loading needs. .

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